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Home & Family
in Personal Enrichment
Understanding the Seed Catalog & Seed Packet
with Ivonne Vazquez
Let’s learn how to decode seed catalogs and seed packages! In this class we will discuss the sell by date; # days info; symbols; watering and depth information; heirloom/hybrid; and, how to sow your seeds for an enjoyable gardening experience. Each participant will receive handouts to aid in understanding how to interpret a catalog and follow packet instructions for a great gardening season! Participants are encouraged to bring in seed catalogs, packets, and questions. Open to all skill levels.
Understanding Your Growing Areas
with Ivonne Vazquez
Are you having trouble growing certain plants, fruit shrubs or trees? Understanding the needs of what you wish to grow and the conditions which exist in your gardens will help you in placing the right plant in the right spot. In this class we will talk about soil, sun, water flow conditions and steps you can take for a more productive gardening season. Open to all skill levels.
Retirement by Design
with Daniel Michaud
Script Your Family's Future/Creating Your Estate Plan
with Daniel Michaud
Do you know where your assets will go when you die? If not, our Preparing Your Estate Plan presentation will help familiarize you with the basic steps of planning for your estate, including the function of a will and the different types of trusts. An estate-planning attorney, Kristy Hapworth of Rudman Winchell, will be presenting at this event.
Medicare 101
with Courtney Cowan
Medicare is not one size fits all. New to Medicare? This session will review a wide variety of information to help you navigate the waters. We will review how to obtain Medicare, when you are eligible and many other important topics including supplemental insurance to complement original Medicare. If you are currently enrolled in Medicare come get a refresher on the basics and better understand the choices available to you and when you can make changes. There are many different products and carriers available as well as various enrollment periods which give you the opportunity to change your policy if appropriate. Anyone with questions about Medicare will find this class helpful.
Learn to Garden No Matter the Space
with Ivonne Vazquez
You can garden whether you have 50 acres, 5 feet of space or a window box! In this class you will learn about square foot gardening, container gardening, building a raised bed and which plants, veggies, herbs and fruits do well in large or confined spaces. The instructor will demonstrate how to build a simple 4’x4’ raised garden bed. Open to all skill levels.
Attracting Pollinators with Native Plants
with Ivonne Vazquez
Do you ever wonder how or what would attract more pollinators to your garden? In this class, learn about which plants are most beneficial to both native and migratory pollinators and methods of gardening where you attract, welcome, encourage and provide long term habitat for the diversity of flora and fauna in your yard. We will delve into rewilding on a grand and small scale. Every little bit helps pollinators! Open to all skill levels.