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Health and Fitness
in Personal Enrichment
Restorative Yoga Healing for Beginners
with Andrea White

Restoratove Yoga is a style of yoga for healing and restoring health and vitality to our mind and body. We use asana (posture) and pratyahara (breath) to inhibit the stress-response, thus activating the healing and repairing systems for optimal health. Props (blocks, bolsters and blankets) are used to completely support the body on the floor as it rests for a period of time in a healing position. Some of the benefits are: relieve of tension in neck, back, shoulders, helps lower blood pressure, quiets the mind, relaxes side of the body, releases muscle tension, improves sleep and reduces stress!!! *PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY FOR SET UP*
ZUMBA GOLD® (Session 2)
with Sue McKay

Zumba Gold classes are Perfect For Active older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba® class that recreates the original Zumba moves you love at a lower-intensity. The design of the class introduces easy-to-follow Zumba® choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong. Class focuses on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility and balance! No class on 4/24.
Beginner Level Yoga (session 3)
with Wendy McLoon