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Health and Fitness
in Personal Enrichment
with Dr. Emily Clark, DPT

What a great way to work on your strength, balance, and flexibility without pain. The buoyancy of the water allows you to exercise and do motions that are hard to do on land while the resistance allows for a workout that is hard to replicate on land. Our pool is a saltwater system maintained at 92 degrees. Great for any level of fitness. Instructors: Dr. Emily Clark, DPT, and Dr. Emily Welch, DPT
Visit to register.
Mindful Movement Yoga
with Andrea White

This yoga class allows us to check in with our bodies and get moving in a way that can help us lower stress, release stagnant energy, and strengthen our mind-body connection. Andrea will bring the focus on strength, balance, flexibility, relaxation, meditation, techniques for stress management including better sleep. She will offer a variety of breathing techniques to calm and relax the body and clear the mind. All levels are welcome!
with Dr. Emily Clark, DPT

What a great way to work on your strength, balance, and flexibility without pain. The buoyancy of the water allows you to exercise and do motions that are hard to do on land while the resistance allows for a workout that is hard to replicate on land. Our pool is a saltwater system maintained at 92 degrees. Great for any level of fitness. Instructors: Dr. Emily Clark, DPT, and Dr. Emily Welch, DPT
Visit to register.
Aqua Tai Chi
with Barbara Cookson, LMT, Certified Tai Chi Instructor

Join Barb in our 92-degree saltwater pool at Covey Physical Therapy and reap the benefits of the slow meditative movements of tai chi and qigong through water. This class will help you improve your balance, strengthen your body, and quiet your mind. This fun class ends with a guided meditation in the pool that’s sure to relax you! Instructor: Barb Cookson
To register, visit
Beginner Level Yoga (session 2)
with Wendy McLoon

Restorative Yoga Healing for Beginners
with Andrea White

Restoratove Yoga is a style of yoga for healing and restoring health and vitality to our mind and body. We use asana (posture) and pratyahara (breath) to inhibit the stress-response, thus activating the healing and repairing systems for optimal health. Props (blocks, bolsters and blankets) are used to completely support the body on the floor as it rests for a period of time in a healing position. Some of the benefits are: relieve of tension in neck, back, shoulders, helps lower blood pressure, quiets the mind, relaxes side of the body, releases muscle tension, improves sleep and reduces stress!!! *PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY FOR SET UP*
ZUMBA GOLD® (Session 2)
with Sue McKay

Zumba Gold classes are Perfect For Active older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba® class that recreates the original Zumba moves you love at a lower-intensity. The design of the class introduces easy-to-follow Zumba® choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong. Class focuses on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility and balance! No class on 4/24.
Beginner Level Yoga (session 3)
with Wendy McLoon