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Personal Enrichment
Reiki Level Two
with Jodi Puleo
ZUMBA GOLD® (Session 2)
with Sue McKay
Zumba Gold classes are Perfect For Active older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba® class that recreates the original Zumba moves you love at a lower-intensity. The design of the class introduces easy-to-follow Zumba® choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong. Class focuses on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility and balance! No class on 4/24.
Acadian Arts Asian Fusion Cooking Retreat at Harbor View House in Prospect Harbor
with Chris Toy
Acadian Arts Painting Flower Portraits in Watercolor at Harbor View House in Prospect Harbor
with Mary Laury
Paint flower portraits realistically. You will paint pictures of flowers in detail, but more painterly than a scientific illustration. We won’t count veins, but we will count petals! Painting flowers is a wonderful exercise in observation. Learn brush stroke and value White on white flowers Leaves, long and short Iris, narcissus, orchids, tulips, and other spring flowers. Materials list; We will paint on smooth paper; Strathmore Series 500, one hundred percent cotton paper, either plate or vellum. This paper can be bought at Artist and Craftsman in Portland in large sheets, which we will cut up. Bring a #2 round brush and a #6 round brush, pencil, palette, tube watercolors in the 3 primary colors and perhaps a green. Paper towels and water container. And bring a plant or flower specimen with no more than 9 petals. This is a slow and careful process and 9 petals and some leaves is enough happiness for us all.
Ukulele for Beginners
with Duncan Perry
Beginner Level Yoga (session 3)
with Wendy McLoon
Attracting Pollinators with Native Plants
with Ivonne Vazquez
Do you ever wonder how or what would attract more pollinators to your garden? In this class, learn about which plants are most beneficial to both native and migratory pollinators and methods of gardening where you attract, welcome, encourage and provide long term habitat for the diversity of flora and fauna in your yard. We will delve into rewilding on a grand and small scale. Every little bit helps pollinators! Open to all skill levels.
Ukulele for Beginners
with Duncan Perry